Sunday, March 21, 2010

Foods To Eat For Clear Skin

Have you ever seen the popular phrase "You are what you eat"? Whether you like it or not, your diet will reflect on your skin. Eat healthy food to eat, and you will be healthy. Junk food, you will not look good. Therefore, it is important to eat the right foods for clear skin. This article will help you get on the right track of skin care, because it is not all about the use of creams and products that are the most basic skin care begins with proper nutrition.

Firstshould know that to start a diet for the general health of the body, the best choice, and in most cases this is enough for your skin if you have a shortage of some kind. But there are certain foods you must eat to keep your skin looking healthy, youthful and radiant.

Start by cutting junk food. People who eat junk food, gaining weight, have a pasty complexion and bad hair. I know it is initially difficult, but you can piece by piece, always walk on the startingYour goal. And please, do not get into yo-yo dieting. The extraction and lose weight will continuously stretch your skin and then remain saggy.

Fluids are essential to our skin nutrition, because they help to moisturize the skin. Experts recommend that we are 6 to 8 glasses of water to drink during the day, it does not fall into the trap of drinking the 8 glasses a day, you should rationalize it and drink it the natural way.

Replace any water for coffeeor soda. Caffeine is a diuretic (tends to increase the excretion of urine). Reduce your intake of coffee or tea to a maximum of 2 per day. You do not now need to drink plenty of water 2-3 hours before going to bed until the morning to avoid swelling and stretching of the skin.

Alcohol is bad, avoid it at all costs if possible.

Essential fatty acids
Also known as EFA, they will get from food because our body can not produce. There are two classes of fatty acids: Omega 3 and Omega6. For our skin Omega-3 is what we need.

EFA should be set at a 15% of our caloric intake account, and can be found at:

* Sardines

* Tuna

* Salmon

* Nuts

* Seeds and their oils (ground flaxseed)

* Shrimp

* Soybeans

Reduce the intake of saturated fats and processed is very important if you want to work with the EFA. To terminate these fats, their effects.

Antioxidants protect us against infections and mayprevent us from degenerative diseases such as cancer or heart disease. These nutrients are found vitamin A, C, E and some B vitamins and minerals selenium, manganese and zinc.

Antioxidants play an important role in destroying free radicals (electrochemically unbalanced molecules that are produced in our bodies by chemicals), too much sun and stress. Free radicals damage collagen and collagen is what keeps the skin elastic.

We can see antioxidants:


* Black Grape

* Brazil nuts

* Broccoli

* Carrots

* Cherries

* Chestnut

* Hazelnuts

* Kale

* Raisins

* Papaya

* Peas

* Peppers

* Plums

* Spinch

* Sweet potatoes

* Tomato

Iron is used for the formation of hemoglobin. A lack of iron brings anemia, and this is reflected in our bodies by a pale complexion and dark circles under the eyes. Iron is bestProcessing of animal foods, but can also be found in some vegetables. The best sources of iron

* Red Meat

* Fish and Seafood

* Liver

* Eggs

* Spinach

Vitamin A
Vitamin A helps in the formation of new cells, keeps the skin supple and is for our eyes and hair of vital importance. If you lack vitamin A, the skin becomes dry and scaly. It is produced by our bodies from beta-carotene and can be found:

* Whole milk

* TotalButter

* Liver

* Bluefish

* Eggs

* Dark orange vegetables (carrots, sweet potatoes, winter squash)

* Dark green vegetables (broccoli, spinach, cabbage)

Vitamin C
Vitamin C is a powerful antioxidant, essential for the production of collagen, the elastic tissue (in our skin decreases with age). Every time you smoke, are under stress or under too much sunlight, drying up your vitamin C from the body, so it is best to avoid themSituations in excess. Vitamin is found in:

* Citrus fruits (orange, lemon, grapefruit, lime)

* Tomato

* Potatoes

* Papaya

* Broccoli

* Brussels sprouts

* Blackcurrant

* Kiwi


* Peas

* Cauliflower

Vitamin E
Another antioxidant, vitamin E has a strong effect against harmful free radicals. This vitamin helps the skin retain its moisture, and a lack of it brings premature wrinkles,pale skin, acne, easy bruising and slow wound healing. Vitamin E is found in:

* Vegetable oils

* Nuts and seeds

* Peanut Butter

* Wheat Germ

* Whole grains

* Avocados

* Sweet potatoes

Vitamin B complex
Keep your skin moist and smooth with vitamin B complex. It is energy from food for skin metabolism. This can be found here:

* Milk

* Bluefish

* Poultry

* Red Meat

* Offal


* Banana

* Soybeans

* Whole

* Wheat Germ

* Peanut Butter

* Fortified breakfast cereals

Beta Carotene
Beta-carotene is the plant form of vitamin A, converted by our bodies. It protects us from the aging effects of the sun and can be found here:

* Dark green vegetables (spinach, broccoli, watercress)

* Orange fruit and vegetables

Ideal for protection against freeRadicals and against dry skin. Selenium combined with vitamin E support the immune system. Found in:

* Cereal

* Meat

* Offal

* Fish and Seafood

* Eggs

* Cheese

* Brazil nuts

* Whole grains

* Mushrooms

* Beans

* Molasses

* Wheat Germ

Zinc is a mineral essential for the immune system. It represents collagen and accelerates the healing in our body, including skin. A deficiency produces stretch marks, adull complexion, white spots on fingernails, dandruff and stubborn stains. Zinc can be found at:

* Fish and Seafood

* Red Meat

* Cheese

* Brewer's Yeast

* Whole grains

* Mushrooms

* Offal

* Eggs

* Turkey and nuts

As you can see, there are many components in our diet, our skin. Instead of himself on a diet just for skin care, a place that works for the health of your entire body, and then, if you lack Youknow what foods to eat, you need to keep your skin clear and looking good. It's all about balancing your diet.

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Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Shashi Tharoor: Why nations should pursue "soft" power India is fast becoming a superpower, "says Shashi Tharoor - not only through trade and politics, but by" soft "power, his ability to culture with the world through food, music, technology, Bollywood share. He argues that in the long run, it's not the size of the Army, working as much as the ability of a country, the world's hearts and minds.tedtalks influence of a daily video podcast of the best talks and performances from the TED Conference where the world's leadingThinkers and doers to give the speech of her life in 18 minutes. Featured speakers have Al Gore on climate change, include Philippe Starck on the design, Jill Bolte Taylor on the observation of their own stroke, Nicholas Negroponte on One Laptop Per Child, Jane Goodall with chimpanzees, Bill Gates on malaria and mosquitoes, Pattie Maes on the "Sixth Sense" Wearable Tech, and "Lost" producer JJ Abrams on the charm of mystery. TED stands for Technology, Entertainment, Design and TEDTalks cover these topics asas well as science, economics, development and art. Translated subtitles, and subtitles in different languages are now on at http Watch a highlight reel of the Top 10 TEDTalks on

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Monday, March 15, 2010

Foods That Eliminate Belly Fat

The answer to the question "which foods are good?" obviously some people could, but at the same time, it can often leave others confused. The media often can be quite misleading to portray what it "calls for good food." With so many unhealthy foods there disguised as healthy options, this is definitely something worth a look in.

We will now go through a quick checklist, so that the nutritional value of what you can learn to eat. You will eliminate belly fat fasterin this way. It is better to eat only to research, and later!

Natural foods are best

Foods that are in their natural state eat the best. Processed foods often contain too much sugar and salt. While this may at first it's starting to catch up with you innocent. It is a suicide on the installment plan. Despite how much you eat is of utmost importance, what you are eating it in the vicinity of a second. So try and see if your choice of foods derived from protein, carbohydrates or fatsand with the best options.

Foods that look like they just came from a production line in a factory should be avoided. The less packaging, the more likely the food is better for you. There are some exceptions of course.

The best sources of protein Acquire

The best foods to get protein in your diet are chicken, fish, soy, Turkey, and lean beef. Eggs are also good, but I would stay with the whites. Protein shakes be really useful andto use comfortably. Whey protein is considered the best protein is on the market. It is best to use a balanced approach and not to rely too heavily on animal products. Think of diseases, antibiotics, hormones, cholesterol and saturated fatty acids.

Things like lobster and pork should be avoided. You want to not only look good on the outside, but on the inside too!

The best sources of carbohydrates

Great sources of carbohydrates include hot and cold cereals, wholemeal bread, rice,Pasta, muffins, potatoes and vegetables. There is a rumor that make potatoes thick. It is not so much the potatoes, but what you put on them. Do not drown your food!

Butter and cream contain tons of empty calories that your body simply does not need. The thing about healthy carbs is that they keep your blood sugar levels stable, and they also give you clarity of thought.

A small word about fat

Fat should be the least your concernsbecause more than likely that you already get enough of it. Stay away from saturated fats, and choose healthy fats. Sources of good fats are natural peanut butter and peanuts, walnuts, almonds, safflower oil, olive oil and flaxseed oil. Nuts might be good for you, but they are also extremely high in calories. So be careful!

Watch out for Chemicals

Processed foods often contain harmful chemicals such as sodium nitrate, and should be avoided. Sodium nitrate helps to keepColor in meat and serves as a preservative. It is in processed meats such as hot dogs, ham, mortadella, salami, bacon found, and peppers.

Canned meat such as tuna are fresh and often do not contain this harmful chemical. Sodium nitrate has often been linked to cancer in combination, and it is best to avoid it at all costs. If you are not sure, check the label.

With the above foods to help support you in your search, to lose belly fat. Combine these tips to double your exercise program with a solidResults. So make sure you do your homework and keep that truck!

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Sunday, March 14, 2010

Acid Avoid Food Reflux - What Foods To Eat And What To Avoid To Lessen Acid Reflux

For people who suffer from acid reflux or other types of heartburn symptoms, food is a carefully planned activity. Within minutes or hours after eating, increases a terrible burning sensation in the chest and sometimes sends food back into the esophagus. If you are one of thousands who believe you can never again after suffering through this kind of pain to eat, the good news is that managing your diet can actually reduce these symptoms.

Heartburn and acid refluxStakeholders can learn to coexist with food, carefully avoiding problem foods and decrease your heartburn will see over time. Simple healthy diet is a good start, but many problems to help acid reflux more attention and more stringent nutritional guidelines need to reduce the occurrence of heartburn. A proper diet to eliminate the increased acid production, and to reassure the esophagus and the lining, which in turn also help to alleviate the associated symptoms of acid reflux thanwell.

Its not underestimate the importance, to the importance of whole grains in your diet, and while they were at the heart of all a diet, they are suffering particularly important for heartburn. Bread and cereals with whole grains are a much better choice than refined grains in the management of flare-ups.

Fruit and vegetables should be the next biggest part of your diet. Many fruits, like pears, apples and grapes are very useful, other fruits, however, contain alarge amount of acid from citrus fruits, and can contribute to heartburn. Citrus fruits such as grapefruit, lemons, oranges, or should be eaten sparingly by those suffering from acid reflux.

Have a variety of vegetables in your diet is a smart move, most vegetables are fine, the key is to cook them healthy, without excessive fat or oil. Avoid frying, and stick to steam or bake. Broccoli, green beans and peas, in particular, many opportunities are.

Lean meat and vegetarian proteins such assuch as beans and tofu are another safe bet, and not complicate it from your state. Instead of buying marbled and fatty cuts of meat, choose leaner varieties, and again, prepare with the least fat or butter, such as frying, grilling, baking.

Another useful strategy is to eat smaller meals, more frequently as 5-6 smaller meals per day. Eat slowly, chew and swallow completely before, is also, in heartburn symptoms. Acid reflux is not something you need tosuffer through by actively with your diet, you can feel better.

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Tuesday, February 2, 2010

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Saturday, January 30, 2010

St. Francis House Kitchen and Food Rescue

The St. Francis House in St. Augustine, Florida, where the working staff, volunteers and community to the range of services for at-risk and homeless people. Services include a women's shelter, a nutrition program (3 meals per day and two snacks), guidance. Job assistance, a closet and food pantry. Sandwiches and other provisions are hundreds of migrant workers distributed in the region. In addition, efforts are being made, organized a day of rescuing thousands of pounds of good foodRestaurants and food, which otherwise languish.

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Monday, January 18, 2010