Saturday, December 12, 2009

Ani Phyo's Raw Food Kitchen: Lucuma Ice Kream

In this raw food uncooking video show, I'll show you how to make a raw food ice cream! A delicious Lucuma flavored Ice Cream made with raw cashews and sweetened with yacon. A vegan raw food and, of course. Also free of wheat, gluten, milk, sugar, eggs. For more raw food recipes, more videos and find Lucuma and Yacon syrup, please visit my raw food blog at:

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Friday, December 11, 2009

Thursday, December 10, 2009

Foods Low in Carbs - To Help You Increase Your Metabolism and Lose Weight

Eating foods low carbs does not have to be boring. There are a lot of variety for its natural fat burning low carb foods. Many people these days who are looking for a diet, you have to food containing less carbohydrate, as they believe it to help shift the weight to be more and do it.

In general, low-carbohydrate foods are those that are quite natural. Think of the caveman day - you think they had bread, pasta, cake, sugar, fast food, etc?

Probably not --but said there are some very natural foods, the carbohydrates are very high too, but is a rule of thumb, if it has been refined or processed, it is high n carbohydrates.

Here is a brief list of foods low carbs --

Eat your veges!

All green vegetables (in fact, the greener the better for vitamin and mineral content), spinach, asparagus, lettuce, bok choy, broccoli, cauliflower, celery, cucumber, cabbage - green, red, or Chinese, Mushrooms, Sweet or HotPeppers, yellow squash, zucchini, beets, carrots, onions, watercress, avocado, radishes, brussels sprouts

Most are extremely low carbohydrate diets and veges, but there are some exceptions to this rule, such as potatoes, parsnips and impulses that are very different from high in carbohydrates. However, in addition to these vegetables for things like bread or pasta is a much healthier option.

Make occasional treat of fruit

Nearly all fruits are very high in a naturalSugar called fructose, which means that fruits are high in carbs. However, eating a piece of fruit per day does not hurt your fat loss efforts and may even increase your metabolism by with important vitamins and minerals.

Increase your metabolism with protein

Egg whites, chicken, turkey breast, lean red meat. fresh fish like. Sardine, anchovy, Chilean sea bass, trout, salmon, mackerel, seafood such as shrimp, crabs, clams, oysters and lobster. IfYou need to supplement protein powder. Flavor meats with all the herbs and spices, since they also include natural and low carb.

Essential fats and oils for a healthy heart

Each unsaturated fats such as olive oil, flaxseed, canola, are all low-carb and help sunflower oil, wash the blood and the spread of toxins from the system. All nuts and seeds have the same function, but as with any fat, so much of this can be harmful. Target for 1 to 2 tablespoons per day.

Going Ona low-carb diet is for people trying to lose weight, but I would not recommend going to a completely no carb diet, or the adherence to a low-carb diet for more than 3 consecutive days, it is advantageous such as carbohydrates, that is the primary source of brain fuel. This is not an exhaustive list of foods low carbs, there are many more foods that fit the catergory outside.

Choose received the correct diet, eat more and burn fat fast weight

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Wednesday, December 9, 2009

how to cook Easter Ham with Cheesy Scalloped Potatoes recipe

Recommend me to subscribe to the Food Network, comment, to try it, you'll like it. for more information. Alright! Here is a traditional festival with a glazed ham, cheesy scalloped potatoes and beans. Super simple. It is the best Easter ever. Enjoy Check out Kowalski's Market at http ... Fathers Easter ham recipe cooking Rob Barrett Food fyi beginners how simple demonstration of the new year

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Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Top Gear - The Gordon Ramsay interview - BBC Jeremy Clarkson chats with the famous chef and cooking some food on the engine. From the BBC.

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Monday, December 7, 2009

Food Addiction Help - Self Hypnosis to Cure Addiction to Food

Food Addiction is an urgent need for those of us whose lives have begun to turn the food. The fact is that many people are disabled suffer from obesity and struggling with weight loss through its food addiction. How did the other addicts, food addicts and developed deep-rooted desire for food - their "drug" of choice - that they eat it regardless of the consequences. Your health, self-esteem, emotional well-being and social life sufferas a result of their addiction. Nevertheless, these individuals will make helpless to their addiction to escape from the very problems that caused it. For those of us forced to live this kind of life that seems to be no support anywhere. However, problems can be solved, many food addicts "by hypnosis.

Need Help Food Addiction?

Do you find that you do relatively well, but constantly thinking about the next meal? The food is always on theSpirit, regardless of whether you're hungry or not? Would you like to binge in secret? Afterwards you will feel shame and remorse? Have you obsessively count calories? Are you fixated on slim "? Has your cravings, has led to problems with obesity? Conversely, your obsessive diet has resulted in some of the symptoms of slow starvation? If so, is the food seriously hamper your physical your mental health. Chances are, you're not in a position to handle these problems on their own.In fact, you've probably already tried and failed. You need some serious psychological help.

Where Can You Go?

Where food can be expected to help drug users to find,? Some have gone to doctors and nutritionists. In high school, many teenagers and anorexics - make no mistake, anorexia, a class of food addiction - see the school counselor. But these well-meaning professionals are often powerless to those who are driven to help eat (or diet) with strong internalNeeds. Often, neither the victim nor the person he or she truly understands what the internal support needs.

Your life is at stake!

People who suffer from these eating disorders tend to rely on food to escape from the problems of their lives ". Tragically, this practice is only aggravated the problems leading to a spiral that miserable - without proper intervention - only with death end. Overeaters often exceed the standard weight for theirRate of 60% or more. The level of obesity leads to diabetes, high cholesterol and chronic heart disease, all that you can steal from several decades of your life. In the meantime, compulsive diet can lose their body hair and their ability to think and move. As their immune system weakens, they will remain vulnerable to deadly diseases.

What About Therapy? Conventional therapy, is digging deep into the personal story of a man to discover what drives theirdestructive eating patterns that could help someone suffering from food addiction. However, the process could take several years! What should you do if you can not afford to lose even more of your life to your debilitating condition?

Hypnosis can help

Hypnosis could be your answer. By undergoing self-hypnosis, your unconscious mind will be taught to stop the obsession with food - regardless of why it had done so first. Your mind will be ahealthier attitude. You begin to see food only as a source of livelihood, nothing more. In this way, will help immensely hypnotic addiction, food.

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Sunday, December 6, 2009

Super Foods - The 10 Healthiest Foods to Eat

A list of the top 10 healthiest foods may seem like a come-on. Magic food? We all know there is no real magic foods. The way to optimal health is not in a pill or a magical food. But there are also foods that pack such a nutritional Wallop and have such strong health benefits, that as a "super food" means.

This list healthy diet consists of foods that are nutrient dense. That means they have more nutrients per calorie than most other foods. Theyhave also been proven to vitamins, minerals and other nutrients to prevent the disease: that contain cancer to arthritis to heart disease, and much more.

These super foods are perfect for heart healthy, low fat cooking and most fit perfectly into a low-carb lifestyle as well.

The 10 healthiest foods are foods that so exceptionally well for us that we should include them in our healthy eating at regular intervals. Our list of super foods is arranged alphabetically, not in the order ofSignificance. Each is a wonderful meal, jam packed with health-giving benefits.

The 10 healthiest foods to eat

1. Berries

Berries are rich in antioxidants that help protect the cells in our body from damage and therefore from diseases like cancer. Among other things, they are also an excellent source of vitamin C and soluble fiber. Blueberries might help reverse the short-term memory, often with increasing age.

2. Broccoli

Broccoli (and other cruciferous plants such as cauliflower and cabbage) helps in the fight against cancer, especially breast, colon and lung cancer. It strengthens the immune system. Broccoli also contains antioxidants and a substance called sulforaphane, which research results should show a powerful cancer fighter and preventer.

3. Citrus

The citrus Bioflavanoids in oranges have lemons, limes and grapefruit anti-cancer and antioxidant properties.
Many of these citrus fruits have BioflavanoidsMoreover, it was shown anti-inflammatory and blood clot inhibiting abilities.

4. Garlic

Numerous studies have shown that regular consumption of garlic can lower blood pressure. It also prevents the blood from excessively sticky and increases LDL ( "bad" one) while increasing the good HDL cholesterol.

5. Nuts

Walnuts are an excellent source of omega-3 fatty acids, a special type of fat that is important for our bodies, but that the body does notto produce. Omega-3 fatty acids protect us against heart disease.

Almonds are also for their ability to lower LDL cholesterol levels known to contribute.

6. Oats

Oats also help to lower cholesterol. Research shows that a bowl of oatmeal a day can reduce cholesterol by up to 23%. Oats are also an excellent grain for diabetics as they have less impact on blood sugar levels than other grains.

7. Salmon

The omega-3 fatty acids in salmon and otheroily fish help, can, heart disease and stroke by lowering the body's rate of blood clotting.

8. Spinach

Spinach's secret weapon, lutein, makes it one of the best foods in the world to cure cataracts prevent, as well as age-related macular degeneration, the leading cause of preventable blindness in the elderly.

9. Tomatoes

Tomatoes contain high levels of lycopene. Lycopene is a powerful antioxidant and as such helps to protect the cells in our bodyDamage.

10. Turkey

Turkey is one of the leanest protein foods and is low in calories, making it an excellent selection of healthy foods. Turkey also contains selenium, which has shown to inhibit the development of cancer, improve the immune system and aid in the metabolism of thyroid hormones .

You can see that the top 10 healthiest foods, or "super foods" are some of our favorites. By including these super foods in a healthy diet at regular intervals, you can easilygain many health benefits.

A healthy selection of foods is now even easier.

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Saturday, December 5, 2009

Bizarre foods TAIWAN Part 2

士林夜市. It's a show I took of the Travel Channel and the show is called "Bizarre Foods with Andrew Zimmern: TAIWAN." "When you see the show again on TV, you can choose from the Travel Channel各位,这系列的影片,是在旅游频道录下来的,标题是原节目的标题.原本是一小时的节目,我依广告分成六段影片,其中,只保留一段泰国食物篇的广告.如果各位在美国,可以上网查一下重播时间.

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Friday, December 4, 2009

Life In Tokyo: Vlog #23 Ramen

All about the delights of my favorite food in Japan ... Ramen! I should also note that most places dont have the complicated ordering ramen, will take place. Typically, you only need to buy a ticket from a vending machine. To Ramen More ... (Maybe more than you've always wanted to know who is crazy in this webs site. Worth checking out.) Again, a map with all the ramen shops in West Ikebukuro is. The one I filmed here is number 24 on the map. Music: ...

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Thursday, December 3, 2009

Using Foods to Improve Memory

Scientists have discovered that certain foods can actually improve memory. Improvement in the selection of food in the store, it is very important to know what the active ingredients. Some foods contain antioxidants, which in addition to improving the immune system, including improving the activity of the brain by circulating the oxygen through the body. Another important feature, be aware that if food is better to collect memory needs, the amount of vitamins. Vitamin C helpsin the prevention of certain health conditions to determine memory loss. Vitamin B12 and B6 are also very important because they protect the nervous system.

In general, to improve memory by eating certain foods that people actually prevent or treat the underlying cause of memory loss. For example, grains and fruits and vegetables rich in fiber and help in the prevention of diabetes. In some cases, diabetes can lead to severe memory loss. Because of this, people areencouraged to eat each day whole grains, fruits and vegetables.

Foods to improve memory are melon, blueberries, asparagus, black currants, kale and sweet potatoes. It can also improve red food in the store. These foods improve blood circulation, body temperature and the increase in energy, while making slight depression. Such foods are watermelon, tomato, red cabbage, cherries, radishes and strawberries.

Sardines, as well as other varieties of fish that containpolyunsaturated fatty acids. It has been discovered that the consumption of such foods improve memory, the impact in a short time. It is recommended to eat fish at least twice a week. Of the fish fat, the assistance for the improvement of memory, omega-3 is the most important. Besides fish fats, oils also act in good food to improve memory. Olive oil and flaxseed oil, helps the brain to function within normal parameters.

Following a diet the easiest way to prevent and cure mayMemory loss. This step ensures that the body receives the required amount of vitamins and natural nutrients. If, however, for various reasons the diet is not recommended appropriate quantities of nutrients, the people who use supplements. Some of the alternative resources are increasing on certain plants, that the memory and learning capacity while reducing the depression improved.

In addition to improving the use of food in the store, you can also use a couple of drinks. However,They must know that the effect does not last for long. Coffee, for example, if consumed in excess leads to a lack of concentration. In smaller quantities it is able to increase the memory.

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Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Food Addiction.m4v

In which the faces of graphic send her food demons and addiction to the WLS. Bring It On evil food ... resolve this operation is not sure his head, that's for sure! The fight is on

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Tuesday, December 1, 2009