Have you ever wondered if the food you prepare at home was safe? Have you ever wished you had a friend, a mother, a grandmother to call and ask a food question? Have you ever resorted to call your county extension agent a question about the safe handling of food? Have you ever thrown something away, it cooked extra long, spun or meat in a hockey puck, because you just were not sure?
The most important rule is to serve safe foodkeep hot foods hot and cold foods cold. The temperature range where bacteria can multiply rapidly and cause disease is known as the temperature Danger Zone. This range is from 40 degrees Celsius to 140 degrees Fahrenheit. It is not advisable to leave all potentially hazardous foods in this temperature zone for more than four hours as a whole. Because the food we eat and preparation are usually not in our possession from the time it was a plant or an animal, the time is on our plate(the time-line is known as "farm to fork" in the restaurant) world, it is recommended that we reduce the time in food, which is the temperature danger zone as much as possible be displayed.
An element can have at the butcher's meat was left out for 30 minutes before it reached your home. This means that the total time will be more for the meat component of the temperature danger zone is now 3 hours and 30 minutes. One would also have left out the supermarket for half an hour. Thismeans that it only three hours of time to be safe. Since we can not be sure as a consumer to leave as much time for our food in the temperature danger zone, it is best to keep hot food hotter than 140 at all times and cold foods colder than 40 at all times.
It is important that we have full knowledge of the consumer at all times, whether in our food, the temperature danger zone. We can do this by purchasing a metal thermometer come from a distributor to reach asWal-Mart or K-Mart. These types of thermometers are acceptable pieces of equipment from any Department of the Environment and Health in America, and usually cost less than five U.S. dollars.
It is important to calibrate the resulting metal thermometer to check. It's easy to do. Fill a glass to the brim with ice, and then put water on to the brim. Leave for five minutes. After five minutes, insert the metal stem thermometer in ice water. The thermometer should read 32 degrees, give or take 2Degree. If not, there is a flash directly at the dial-face of the thermometer, which can be rotated with a pair PLYERS until the thermometer reads 32 degrees. Well, the thermometer is calibrated and the temperature values can be trusted. It is important that this calibration test at regular intervals on your metal stem thermometer to ensure repeat, will always start correct measurements.
Try the food in the fridge with the metal stem thermometer. Itis advisable to wash it, then disinfected before and after the test with a little rubbing alcohol on a soft cloth or paper towel. Insert the thermometer into the center of the soft foods such as yogurt or cheese, or you can put it in milk or juice. Make sure that food is not over 40 degrees in the refrigerator. If it is already 40, you can make your temperature down in the refrigerator. There is evidence that the food stays fresh longer with a "deep chill" the33-37 degrees. In any case, if the food in the refrigerator below 40 degrees Celsius, you really keep cold foods to ensure safety.
You can use the metal stem thermometer to test hot foods. So they stuck into the thickest part of a piece of meat, or place it in the middle of a hot meal to make sure the food is at least 140 degrees.
Maintaining proper operating temperatures is the number one way to yourself or someone you love holdsick from a food source.
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